Pear Rootstocks

Quince A

It is a shallow rooted, semi-vigorous, quince-based rootstock. Quince A is resistant to the soil bacterium called Agrobacterium tumefaciens and it is moderately tolerant to the fire blight. The tree grafted on Quince A bear fruit early. It is moderately resistant to the underground water and lime. It is suitable for high density planting. Since there could be graft incompatibility with some of the pear varieties, Williams being in the first place, inter-stem rootstock should be used.

Fox 11

It is moderately vigorous, semi-dwarf and 65-70 percent of standard seedling size. It has a well-anchored root system. Besides being adaptable to various kinds of soils, it is very resistant to the calcareous soils with high pH scales. It is compatible with most of the pear varieties. The varieties grafted on Fox 11 increase in productivity.

Farhold 40

The rootstock is ideal for the permeable soil rich in organic matter. Besides, it is adaptable to soils with high pH scales. It is resistant to the fire blight (Erwinia amylowora) and it can tolerate pear decline. Compatible with European-based pear varieties, Farhold is a little bit more vigorous than BA 29 and suitable for high-density planting. It increases the fruit quality and productivity to a considerable extent.

OHF 333

It is a moderately vigorous rootstock, which forms a crown in 65-70 percent of the standard seedling rootstock size. It shouldn’t be preferred for the heavy-textured and hydrophilic soils. It has low resistant to calcareous and high in pH scale soil conditions. It is resistant to fire blight, partially resistant to pear decline and sensitive to nematodes and plant virus diseases. Even though it has a stronger and deeper root system compared to BA29, it provides low fruit productivity and low caliber for some of the varieties.

OHF 87

It is a moderately vigorous rootstock suitable with calcareous and high in pH scale soils. It forms a crown in the 70-80 percent of seedling rootstock. It is resistant to fire bright, brown root rot and pear decline. It increases fruit quality and fruit productivity of the variety it grafted on.

Quince BA 29

It is a semi-dwarf rootstock vigorous than Quince A and OHF 333 rootstocks. It grows up to the 60-70 percent of the standard seedling rootstock. It encourages the variety that is grafted on to bear fruit starting from the age of two. It has a very positive effect on fruit productivity and fruit quality. It is tolerant to heavy-textured and hydrophilic soils. The rootstock is resistant to Agrobacterium tumefaciens and crown rot disease, moderately sensitive to fire blight. Besides, some resources state that it is also resistant to pear decline.